The DS-9500 Wifi Selection

The DS-9500 digital recorder has WiFi Capabilities built in to allow for users to quickly and easily send dictations without needing to physically plug into a computer to transfer the files. Connecting your DS-9500 to a wireless network can be done right through the device itself. The video below demonstrates how to connect to a WiFi network through the device interface.

The DS-9500 has the ability to send dictations using a wireless network, this guide shows how to connect to a wireless network via the device.

  • Start by pressing the OK/Menu button
  • Use +/- Buttons to navigate to the device menu, press OK to enter the Device menu
  • Select the WiFi option and press OK
  • Select the “On/Off” option and set to “ON”
  • Press OK to select a network and select your chosen network
  • Enter the WiFi Password and press the F2 button to finish
    • NOTE: If your password uses special characters you must select the “@” symbol and press the “OK/Menu” button to gain access to the special characters

The device should now be connected to the network, once successfully connected the WiFi Icon will be displayed at the top.